And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: - Eph 4:11-12
Following the gifting laid out in Eph. 4:11-12, this day will consist of teaching and discussion centered around key aspects of the ministry outside of the pulpit. The objectives for the day include:
Ministers and wives will gain an awareness of social and cultural factors that influence church outreach, as well as various biblical responsibilities required to lead and disciple members of a congregation.
The topics in this course are geared toward practical matters in the church while seeking to integrate those matters into a holistic, theological vision of God’s intentions for the church.
Basic skills pertaining to each topic will be covered.
This course will help ministers and wives appreciate the importance and variety of the work being done in the church.
Ministers and wives should leave this course inspired to grow in their God-given capacity to equip the saints for the work of the church.
A brief overview of each topic is included below to help prepare your thoughts:
The Teacher
Why should we engage the church and community? After all, none of us can save the world or, by our own merit, do anything good in this world. This presentation builds a Biblical framework for understanding the nature and magnitude of the work we will talk about the rest of the day. In doing so, it lays out a narrative arc, a storyline, into which the rest of the day will fit.
The Evangelist
Does the thought of sharing the gospel with others on a regular basis intimidate you personally? What does a "culture of evangelism" in your church mean to you? This presentation will focus on how church leaders can proactively point their churches toward a deeper love of the gospel to the point where sharing it is just “part of who we are”.
Cultural Context
This presentation is an encouragement regarding how we uphold the beauty of the Truth as we proclaim and demonstrate it to others. On one hand, this may be with someone very different than us, but it also critical in our closest relationships. It examines ways in which we can be aware of cultural dynamics/differences, our own and others, and how we can move towards clearer communication and more trusting relationships.
The Apostle
Church Planting
The local church has been given the task of carrying the message of the Hope of the world. The example of the apostles in obedience to the commission to carry this message was the establishment and multiplication of the local church. As the Apostolic Christian Church of America, this aspect of our DNA that established new churches across the United States has become dormant. The question for many of our churches is whether there is value in considering church planting when it does not seem like a near-term practical reality. This presentation will cover some basic Biblical foundations of church planting as well as how focusing as a church on the principles of multiplication can be a blessing to our churches today, regardless of how close they feel to being ready to plant another church.
The Pastor
Jesus exampled and commissioned discipleship as the means to effectively spread His movement - The forming of Himself into each human being who would repent and be converted. As ministers, we have the opportunity to join Him in making disciples after Christ. To encourage us in this opportunity, we will look at the beliefs that undergird discipleship., the mindset that discipleship requires, and the skillset to carry out the work.
While we most likely were voted in as preachers, we soon discover that we are counselors as well. Counseling is the age-old discipline of helping and encouraging people typically in their time of crisis and need. This can be intimidating. But with some instruction, this opportunity can be a blessing to yourself and others. In this presentation, we intend to look at the beliefs that undergird counseling, the mindset that counseling requires, and the skillset to carry out the work.
This can seem more like a task than wisdom, but your church depends on you to be reliable, accurate and dependable as you carry out your role as elder or minister. There is no one, right model, but we will look at ways to assure that you carry out the administrative aspects of your role in a way that is God-honoring and respectful of those you serve.
The Prophet
The End
There is an end—an objective, a reward, a termination point, a destination—to everything we’ve talked about through the day. This presentation completes the narrative arc introduced by the teacher. It calls us to preach the good news of the glorious and unfathomable, but very real, eternal joy that awaits each of us and each of the people to whom we spend our lives ministering. Truly, the work we do as part of God’s mission into the world will be well worth any sacrifice we make. Praise God!